Matthew Petty - Faculty


Fayetteville, Arkansas

Matthew Petty is a city planner and real estate developer who has also been elected three times to the Fayetteville City Council. Matthew has a deep understanding of American zoning and development codes and infrastructure planning processes. He has facilitated numerous public hearings and stakeholder engagement efforts, and his first mixed-use project as an owner-developer is under construction.

Matthew was a grantwriter and development associate for four years at the University of Arkansas Community Design Center, a professional urban design and architecture program which has earned more than 100 national and international awards for its urban designs, stormwater solutions, and scenario plans. Matthew’s time at UACDC has provided him a keen sense of how to overcome obstacles to project funding and site development.

Serving his ninth year on the Fayetteville City Council, Matthew is Chair of the Transportation Committee as well as the city’s tourism agency, where he orients infrastructure and marketing budgets towards Fayetteville’s broader strategies.

Matthew’s experience has taught him how to identify and overcome barriers to missing middle development and placemaking. He believes cities can build local wealth and restore neighborhoods by leveling the playing field for appropriate infill projects.

Matthew holds undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and Political Science from the University of Arkansas.