Cultivating Neighborhoods & the Small Scale Development Movement
Do you want to learn more about how you can become a small real estate developer for a project in your neighborhood? Are you an advocate or local leader looking to encourage better buildings in your community?
Join us for a free virtual lecture by presented by IncDev Faculty Allison Thurmond Quinlan.
Important Notice: Due to inclement weather, this training event will ONLY be offered virtually. Information will be sent to registrants.
This event will be held in Central Standard Time.
IncDev Faculty Presenter Allison Thurmond Quinlan
IncDev Faculty Allison Thurmond Quinlan is an architect, landscape architect, and small infill developer. She founded and runs Flintlock Ltd Co (a multi-disciplinary design practice), Flintlock Development (an urban infill real estate development company), Matchlock Lt Co (a historic preservation development company), and Valkyrie Design Cooperative (a shared services co-op that supports and promotes women in the design profession) in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She also served on the Fayetteville Planning Commission and the Construction Board of Appeals, as well as serving as a Senior faculty member and interim Board Member for the Incremental Development Alliance and a visiting professor at the Fay Jones School of Design at the University of Arkansas.
Alli believes that small developers have the potential to be advocates for their neighborhoods, leading the redevelopment of communities to both protect and include longtime residents while welcoming new, diverse neighbors within a variety of “gentle density” forms. Her work solo and with the University of Arkansas Community Design Center has been honored with national and international awards from the Congress for New Urbanism, the American Society of Landscape Architects, the American Institute of Architects, Architizer, and the American Planning Association.