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The Small Bites Series: Eight Essential Design Features for Pocket Neighborhoods

Introducing, Small Bites.

Small Bites is a virtual training series delivering relevant and valuable tools on the implementation of small-scale development. Led by our diverse faculty, they’ll offer expertise drawn from real-life experiences. These one-hour “bite size” sessions are for people of all skill levels, from small-scale developers and local advocates, to policymakers. An opportunity to ask questions is included at the end of each session. Check out our small bites below!


Eight Essential Design Features for Pocket Neighborhoods

Presented by Ross Chapin

As cottage courts and pocket neighborhoods gain traction as key Missing Middle housing types, more small developers are giving them a try. But too often, projects miss critical design elements that balance privacy with sociability—undermining their potential as vibrant, community-oriented places.

What makes a pocket neighborhood truly work? In this one-hour session, Ross Chapin—the architect who literally wrote the book on pocket neighborhoods—will break down the essential design features that define a successful project. Drawing on over three decades of experience, he’ll share practical insights to help developers and architects create housing that fosters connection among residents, earns acceptance from surrounding neighbors, and leads to long-term financial viability.

About Ross Chapin:

Ross Chapin, FAIA, is an architect and occasional developer based near Seattle, WA. He is a passionate advocate for pocket neighborhoods, a term he coined for small groupings of households around shared common areas, which he sees as building blocks for vibrant and resilient communities. Since 1997, Ross has designed and partnered in developing seven pocket neighborhoods and has designed scores of community-oriented projects for developers across North America, many of which have received national design awards, professional peer review and international media coverage. Ross’s work and ideas have been featured in more than 45 books and numerous publications including the New York Times, USA Today, AARP Bulletin, Forbes, Planning Magazine, Architectural Record and Builder. Ross’s own book, Pocket Neighborhoods: Creating Small Scale Community in a Large Scale World, has been widely read, shifting the thinking of architects, developers, policy makers, and homebuyers.

This event will be held in Central Standard Time. Details will be sent to attendees upon registration.

Starting in 2025, Small Bites sessions are a complementary membership benefit for Associate and Charter Members. Become a member today! Non-members can register for each session for $25 per ticket.

Recordings will be sent to those who register following the session.


Chloe Chapman -